Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Heading into a busy September of trainings

Salama, friends.

September is shaping up to be a very full month, for ministry and for our family. On Sept. 1, I leave early in the morning for Shinyanga, a city in the northwest corner of Tanzania. I will be teaching pastors and pastors wives during the day, then in evenings I will be preaching at open-air crusades. The cluster of Baptist churches in the region is expecting 100 pastors from many denominations to attend.

Two days after I return, I again leave early in the morning for Morogoro, a city 3-4 hours from Dar es Salaam, where I will be working with two other trainers to guide a group of Tanzania Assembly of God pastors through the book of Jonah and other passages, focusing on how to study and teach the Bible.

Returning from that, I will be preaching in some local churches, and launching a new African Equip Team of five top notch African pastors who will be trained to be equippers of other pastors. I am VERY excited about this group, and envision this strategy will launch our equipping ministry far forward. Then at the end of September I will be attending a workshop for local leaders to develop skills working cross culturally with nationals as well as teammates. All in all, it should be a full month.

While I am involved in these projects, Holly and the kids will be continuing on with school activities. Holly is helping with the library, and also assisting in teaching primary art occasionally. The kids are doing well adjusting back to the school year, and the boys will be starting soccer (“football” out here) this week after school.

Please pray for no unforeseen hurdles as we navigate our way through this month. Pray for security for the family while I am away, and for special family times together when I am at home. Thank you. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric