Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Kids doing ministry

One of the greatest joys of our recent trip to northern Uganda was watching our three children actively engaged in ministry to the local children. We know God has a special place in his heart for the children of the world, and His Word tells us that no one should look down on one who is young (1 Tim.4:12). Although they were tired, and conditions were primitive, and there was much “sit around and wait” time, yet they tried to keep positive attitudes and bless the MANY children who gathered around them.

Adam leading games shortly after arrival

Adam jumped right into a leadership role as soon as we arrived and began playing games with children and trying to communicate with them. He had a quick smile, which covered the gap of different languages, and was a great “right hand man” for Holly as she led the program.

Andrew teaching kids how to make paper airplanes

Andrew was amazing, a natural with people of all ages. We’ve never seen him in quite this context, but he went non-stop for three solid days morning to evening of playing with kids, talking with them, letting them touch his hair, teaching them new things, climbing trees with them, and pouring himself out to the point of exhaustion. He stood up in church at one point and shared a few words of blessing with the whole church. When Andrew is on, he’s really on!

Alyssa and a little girl who bonded with her   

Alyssa and a small child on her back “just like the mama’s do.”

Alyssa, our princess, was in her element around the very young ones. Most times I saw her, she had one on her back, on her lap, or in her arms. She would sit and smile with them for long periods, giving them the attention that most lack throughout the day. She stuck close to mama, and her giggles communicated internationally her love for these people.

What a joy it was to see our children pouring into others and in turn receiving blessings from God. We freely admit that they are not perfect children, and there were some hard times of weariness and complaining, but in general it was a great encouragement for Holly and me to see our kids in a giving instead of receiving role. According to God’s plan, we are praying for more opportunities of family ministry like this.

Some of the children our family worked with

Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric