Hi folks. We just came in from the bush (northern Uganda 10 km from Sudan) and are now in Kampala, a large city in Uganda. It was a great trip and we are all safe and sound. The kids did a great job connecting with the other kids even though they couldn’t speak the same language. We heard some amazing and sad stories and were very well received. The last day of the conference the women of the church presented me with a live rooster to take home with me! Since I couldn’t take it on the plane I asked the people we were staying with to cook it for dinner for us. Alyssa refused to eat it. J Thanks for all your prayers. We had a good time, although not easy. We felt safe the whole time and I’m really glad we had the chance to go there. A great way to spend summer break! More stories and pictures to come!
Category Archives: Family Updates
Here is some of the latest news on our family.