Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Shutting down the national power grid for 7 days!

As hard as it is to believe, the national power company of Tanzania issued a notice recently saying that from May 19-26, the national power grid will be shut down for 15 hours each day, from 8AM-11PM. Supposedly maintenance will be done during this time as the nation hangs on, businesses screech to a halt, traffic lights are out, hospitals run out of generator power, etc. Imagine the impact if the nation of America was without power for 15 hours/day for one full week.

While we are not excited about this, we are confident God will give us the grace to endure this challenge. Please be in prayer for a cheerful attitude through it all, as water can’t pump into the house during these hours, we can’t use the washer, food in fridge will spoil, and the list goes on.

I am thinking this will give us a good taste of how much of the world lives – with no power. Many of the people living around us do not have any power whatsoever. God is good, and may our hearts grow in love for those who desperately need to know the Light of the World!

For more information, check out this link:

Here was a note Holly wrote to some friends regarding this situation:

I have a prayer request. It’s not a huge end of the earth kind of thing just a plea that I would keep my sanity and a good attitude.  May 19-26 the whole country of Tanzania is scheduled for 15 hour power outages while they do repair work.   Supposedly we WILL have power from 11:00 at night until 8:00 in the morning. This will affect businesses, restaurants, grocery stores etc.  On a more personal note it will affect our water pump, (ie. Plumbing) laundry, refrigerator, internet, fans etc.  Luckily we have advanced notice and will be able to store up some water and stock up on some canned food etc.  I am totally sure we will be just fine it’s just that after months of on and off power I am not looking forward to this and with the heat it can be difficult to sleep.  Adam had the best prayer last night that maybe it would be shorter than they say.  Anyways, thanks in advance.  As they say here, TIA (THIS IS AFRICA). 

Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric