Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Happy Anniversary, Holly Belz!

On April 18, Holly and I celebrated 13 years of adventure, love, ministry, companionship and marriage. I think we would both admit that we’ve learned some vital lessons through the journey, and still have many more to go. When I think of what I was like before Holly, I’m so very thankful for the ways God has and continues to shape and mold me through the marriage relationship. Learning to serve and love another person unconditionally, walking through challenges and joys with a companion to share it all with, having a ministry partner to bounce ideas off, and seeing the relationship within the Trinity through the lens of the marital bond are some of the ways I’ve been blessed.

Date night on Zanzibar

I just finished reading a book on how to be an effective father, a topic I’ve been thinking about a great deal recently as our kids are getting older. In there was a chapter on the importance of the husband/wife role for the health of the kids. So I’ve been pondering how our kids view Holly’s and my relationship, and trying to let them into our world a bit, so they may be encouraged at the blessing of marriage.

Holly is a very private person, so I will not share too much more here, other than to state that the vows I made 13 years ago are absolutely just as strong or stronger today in my heart as they were then. May God grant us the grace to continue to grow in our love, commitment, friendship and partnership together for the decades to come. Thank you for 13 amazing years, my wife. I LOVE YOU, HOLLY BELZ!!!

April 18, 1998