Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Heading to Kenya Coast

Just north of Mombasa, along the Kenya Coast about 10 hours from Dar es Salaam, is the town of Kilifi. In a few hours, I’ll be climbing on a bus to make the trek to this town to conduct a 10 day training of pastors and leaders from the FGP cluster of churches up there. The focus of the training will be on equipping trainers of trainers, in other words, giving tools to those who will turn around and train other African leaders and pastors. I will be dealing with areas of evangelism and discipleship, textual criticism and Bible study methods, and also will be preaching in churches. I am very excited about this training, and will be working with a couple ReachGlobal trainers in conducting the workshop.


While I am away, Holly and the kids will be plugging on with life in Dar. I would ask for your prayers for them for a very uneventful time – no short-circuits, no power outages, no water breakdowns, etc. I trust God will take good care of them, and appreciate your prayers.

Alyssa and a very large pineapple

Also, Thursday is Allie’s 7th birthday. She is so very excited, and although I’m bummed I have to miss it, she understands Daddy is at work. She’s growing up to be a delightful young girl, and I’m truly so blessed to have her as my daughter.

I hope to write more once I return. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric