Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Investment in now and eternity

Dear friends,

God is moving is exciting ways out here. This week I begin teaching three different courses at a local pastor-training school. I’ll be teaching Systematic Theology 1 (focusing on OT), Systematic Theology 2 (focusing on NT) and the Intro to New Testament course. Also, I’m heading to Uganda in a couple weeks to do training of pastors in northern Uganda. On the way, I stop in Nairobi to have meetings with a couple universities that are interested in starting extension programs down here in Dar, and would like me to help head them up. Our newly started midweek cell group is going well – so fun to study, worship and pray with Africans! Holly and kids are doing well, continuing at HOPAC. Plus, we just got a new puppy – he’s so cute, and the kids are doing great taking care of him.

We’ve been here for nearly a year and a half, and God has been gracious to provide for our basic needs through the generous support of many back home. The longer we are here, the more opportunities we see for how an investment in the kingdom could be used significantly to bring God glory here. For example:

1.    The cluster of churches I’m working with in Uganda is trying to assist refugees who have been living in camps due to persecution, and are now trying to return home after many years. They need food, medical supplies, building supplies, farming equipment, etc. The church leaders have a plan for how to help these people, practically and also spiritually.

2.    The trainings I do are difficult for many of the pastors who come from some distance to attend, therefore we are trying to subsidize some of their cost for transport, food, lodging, and provide each attender with a Bible, since many do not have one.

3.    Several members of one of the churches with whom we work in Uganda just had their crops destroyed by invading elephants. Not so common in America, but this and other challenges make life difficult in this part of the world. I am trying to offer assistance for people such as these, as there is a steady stream of requests and needs.

So I would like to invite you, if you are at all able and not already partnering with us, to join our support team at this time, and through your contributions to enable our family to continue working here, and to offer help for needs such as these. Whether you send in support on a monthly basis, quarterly or annually, you can be assured that your investment is of eternal significance, and is going to address the greatest needs of Africans. Please prayerfully consider this invitation, for although I know times are hard in America, your support offers profound hope, blessing and encouragement, to our family as well as to countless Africans through the work we do.

If you are interested in moving forward in joining our team, for details and more information, please shoot me an email ( or click on the link to right called: 11-Giving Information.

Thank you so very much for your desire to walk with us in “equipping Africans to reach Africans.”

Pressing on, Eric