Greetings, friends,
For this blog entry, I’m going to let you “talk with” my daughter Alyssa. She is six years old, and is adjusting well to life as a missionary kid in East Africa. I’ll ask her some questions, and let her share her unedited thoughts with you.
Alyssa, what is one of your favorite things about living in Africa?
Allie: We get to go in a good school called HOPAC where there are nice kids. There are lots of people that we can serve and help. And if there are people who are not Christians who don’t have parents, we can help them and give them food.
Summer break is just ending. What was a fun thing you did over the summer?
Allie: We went to Arusha to language school and I went to a fun kids school and I got to go on a safari. We looked at animals like giraffes and zebras. Then the last day we had a scavenger hunt and we found a box that had candy in it.
School starts next week. Allie, how are you feeling about school starting?
Allie: I’m nervous because I’m going into a new class. I have a new room and a new teacher. I’m going into first grade, and many things are different. I’m excited cause I’ll be together with my friends. I’m not looking forward to the long car drive each day. I’m excited cause my brothers will be right close to me.
If you could have anyone from America come and visit you, who would you want to come?
Allie: I’d like my friend Jenna to come, or maybe one of my other friends.
What is one of your favorite things you like to do with your family?
Allie: I like to play games, like kids cranium or board games, like monopoly.
Thanks, Allie, for your help. Have a great day sweetheart.
Pressing on, Eric (daddy)