Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Shocking News!

Electricity. Some days I wonder how people survived for centuries without it. I guess it is a matter of expectations. We’ve gotten very used to regular, consistent, stable electricity – especially in the West. But here in Dar es Salaam, as in much of the world, it is a different matter. Many people have no power at all, but we do have power, at least some of the time.

Recently, Tanesco has been shutting off our power for long blocks of time, many hours each day or night, and this has led to a variety of reactions. I am realizing how moods are easily shaped by our circumstances and environment. When it is hot, humid, and no moving air, with no electricity so no fan or AC, moods tend to reflect this condition in less than stellar ways. But if we have minimal expectations, and any hour with electricity is an unusually blessed hour, then there are fewer of the negative expressions that are manifest.

God tells us in Phil. 4 that we are to be content in all circumstances. Oh, this is so easy when things are nice and comfortable, but much more difficult, especially for certain folks, when times are tough. In trying to take care of our family, I recently made some significant purchases so that we have a bit more control over our power supply. However, the growth edge still remains – be content in any circumstances.

How sweet it will be on that day in the future when we are in heaven and the Ultimate Power Source will give light to all of creation, and we will enjoy His presence forever.

By His grace, Eric