Category Archives: Family Updates

Here is some of the latest news on our family.

Preaching, birthdays and construction

Hello, friends,

I’m going to make this a quick update since I’m trying to finish putting together a prayer letter that will cover much of what we’ve been up to. For now, I’ll touch on three quickies:

1. Andrew’s 9th birthday is tomorrow (18th). He’s very excited, and wants to go for a hike, like we used to in America. Unfortunately, I don’t know that they have that sort of thing anywhere around here. But we’ll try to come up with some fun things to do, and make the day special. I have a feeling this next year is going to be very significant for Andrew as he, Lord-willing, makes adjustments to life in Africa. Please keep praying for him. I believe that he is slowly on getting there. God is going to use this young guy someday in exciting ways, of that I’m sure.

2. I’m preaching through Nehemiah for four weeks in January to help offer biblical leadership principles to the international church plant we’ve gotten involved with (Reach Chapel). It is going well, and the church is small enough that we enjoy some discussion each week. They are primarily targetting middle and upper class English speaking Tanzanians, but all are welcome.

3. Just yesterday, with the help of Brooks Construction, we started some construction projects on our home which are very exciting. We are developing a ministry center/guest house in the back which will be very nice and very useful, as well as a bathroom project inside. We are trying to get these projects done before friends from America show up on Feb. 2.

More will be coming soon. Thanks for checking in.
