Category Archives: Mission Updates

Holly’s “Perspective” on missions

Dear friends, Holly graciously shared a wonderful blog with some of what she is learning in missions that inspires her. Enjoy:

Mathew 24:14 – “And this gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations and then the end will come.”

I love the Perspectives Mission’s class I am currently taking! (

Eric and I took it once before we left for Africa many years ago and I recently had the opportunity to take it again. Both times it has been so inspiring to see the “big plan” God has for the world to bring him glory. Each week there are amazing mission lessons that we read and listen to at home. Then we come together for a weekly class with a special speaker and lots of engaging activities and of course lots of yummy food. It is also encouraging to meet and connect with others who are passionate about serving the Lord!

Last week we heard a testimony from a man who had been in a middle eastern prison for his faith. It was a remarkable story of how God was with him and sustained him and used it for His purposes. The week before, a sweet mother in the class let her testimony be told of how her son was ministering in Iraq and was shot by one of his students.  These are real people with real stories, and it is quite impacting.

Many of the lessons are also very inspiring. This week we have learned about the enormous impact women have had in mission work through Bible translation, medical care, education, and Women’s missionary societies. In addition, there are more missionaries being sent out from places like Africa and Asia today than from America. As our Pathways team gets ready to launch a new Women’s Director of Pathways, it will be exciting to see how God uses this around the world. It’s God’s ministry and His movement and being part of this by equipping these women will be such an incredible blessing!!!

Laura Carter, our new director of Pathways for women, and her husband Scott.