This is the eighth and final in a series of eight videos refreshing steps and tool in the Pathways Bible Study method. I welcome you to view and enjoy and utilize principles found in this video (at bottom of post), particularly if you are familiar with the Pathways study method. Again, these videos are designed for global pastors who have previously been through our workshops, but who would benefit from some “refreshing” of basic principles.

In this brief video, the focus is on the final two steps in the Pathways process called the Message for Today (or Preaching Statement) and Application. These steps are particularly important in bringing the message written for original readers (Israel, New Testament churches, etc.) and giving that message in appropriate ways for us and our audiences today.
In the past, what we called the “Preaching Statement” we now call the “Message for Today” because while some people may use this statement for preaching, others may simply use it in their personal study of passages, or in small groups or other venues. The point of this step is to take the single sentence that communicates the central point the author is emphasizing for the original readers, and transition it into a single statement that captures the author’s emphasis, but relates it to us and our people today. For example, looking at Jonah 3, instead of, “God called Jonah to preach His message to Nineveh, and they responded with widespread repentance leading to God showing them mercy,” we might have a Message for Today (Preaching Statement) along the lines of, “When we preach God’s message and sinful people repent, God is quick to show mercy and slow to punish.”
In order to determine the Message for Today, the Bible student must consider how the Whole Story of the Bible influences the Original Message Statement so it becomes relevant for us today. This is particularly important in passages from the Old Testament, written to Israel under the Old Covenant, since today we are not under the Old Covenant but rather we live in the New Covenant time because of the work of Christ. If a pastor is preaching on this passage, the Message for Today (Preaching Statement) should be repeated frequently in his sermon because it encapsulates the single central idea of the passage in one memorable sentence that his church can hold on to throughout the week.
This leads us to application, a final and very important step in Pathways process. Application brings the text right to the place where we live, addressing our real life situation. The pastor or Bible student should first apply the passage to themselves, and flowing from that can apply it to their people. Perhaps this involves changes in how we think (head), or how we feel (heart), or what we do (hands). The four boxes tool might be helpful with application, considering the teaching of the passage, where we have wandered from that teaching (reproof), how to get back on God’s path (correction), and what specific changes need to be made (training in righteousness). Good application flows from the author’s emphasis in the passage, and bad application, which is very common everywhere, flows from my ideas of what I want to tell my people rather than what God’s Word says.
Please enjoy this video that refreshes these Pathways steps of Message for Today (Preaching Statement) and Application.