The Pathways Bible Training program is designed to help pastors gain practical skill in studying the Bible so that they can understand and apply God’s message for themselves and for their congregations. In order to learn how to study the Bible well certain skills and a disciplined process of study are needed (2 Timothy 2:15). The basic habits of writing down ideas that emerge from the text, of studying and preparation for messages, of meditating on Scripture, applying and teaching it well to their people, are all new to many pastors (2 Timothy 3:16-4:5). The Pathways method uses instruction, practice, discussion, exercises, presentations and demonstration sermons to help students learn how to use the tools and skills for Bible study and to begin to develop the habits that are necessary to study well. Later workshops build on earlier ones, gradually helping the students learn, practice and implement skills in their own study and teaching as they progress in discovering biblical truths. Pathways Bible Training offers nine workshops, each about four days, which are presented over the course of three years, or approximately one workshop every four months. The requirement that we have for our students, who we consider “master trainers,” is to pass on the training to other pastors after each workshop, helping them to better learn the skills and steps of study so that they can use them and teach them to others (2 Timothy 2:2). Not only is the training reinforced in their own lives as they train others, but the trainings spread to hundreds and thousands of other pastors in each country. After working with hundreds of pastors in many different regions around the world we are seeing movements of well-trained pastors being launched globally as pastors grow significantly in their ability to study, obey and teach the Word of God to their people (Ezra 7:10).