Everybody needs an AVENGER hero!


Last night, my good friend Jeremy took me to see the new Avengers movie. We had an awesome time, and I found myself laughing, cheering and clapping through the movie as the battle between the good guys (the Avenger superheroes) and the bad guys (Loki and his alien villians) raged on. But afterward, a number of thoughts came to mind that apply to our day to day lives:

1. Jeremy mentioned afterward about the diversity of the Avenger superheroes. They each had different skills and abilities, and when they worked together, they complemented one another with dynamic synergy. Likewise the body of Christ is incredibly diverse, and Romans 12 reminds us that we have each been given different gifts, which we are to use for the glory of God.

2. One of Avengers, the Hulk (ie Bruce Banner), struggled to recognize his ability could be used for good. When he saw the potential, he was a significant force to be reckoned with. Also, Bruce Banner knew all too well that any strength can become a liability if not properly controlled and channelled. So with us, we much recognize the potential of the gifts God has given us, and use them for His purposes and ultimate good.

3. We are in a battle, and the enemy is cunning, strong, and bent on evil. At one point, Thor (one of the good guys) thought he might be able to turn his evil brother Loki to the good side, and just as it looked like it might happen, Loki stabbed Thor in the stomach, thus denouncing all that is good once and for all. Our enemy cannot be toyed with or tolerated in any way. We must stomp out sin and Satan in any and every area of our lives.

4. The way the bad guys (Loki and his army) were able to gain initial victory was by causing division among the superheroes. They knew that if the Avengers were divided, they could be beaten. How true! When God’s army is divided, when we Christians fight with each other and find fault with one another, the enemy gains the upper ground and our strength is very much compromised. We must stand together, support one another, and keep our eyes on our “Commander in Chief.”

5. As the battle raged, it was clear the world desperately needed saving, and the Avengers were the only ones to do it. Our world likewise desperately needs saving, and we have been called by God and filled and empowered by His Spirit to offer salvation to all nations. Through the work of Christ on the cross, we have been saved and now must extend that message of salvation to people who are hurting and lost, and don’t even know it. Some of my “superheroes” are the African pastors with whom I have the blessing of working. They have so little, and yet are so passionate for God’s Word and His glory, and pour their lives into reaching their people. Just as there was a large team of people trying to support the Avengers and get them what they needed for victory, we are blessed with many who support us, and in turn we support and equip our African brothers and sisters to make an eternally significant difference in Africa.

I’m sure there are other analogies – I may need to see it again to glean more spiritual truths ;), but the reality is that we are at war (Eph. 6, 2 Cor. 10), and as God’s ambassadors (2 Cor. 5), we have a mission to fulfill. By God’s grace, let us sieze the challenge and fulfill our calling. Pressing on in the battle, Eric 

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