With a gun to your head, how would you respond?

Dear friends,

One of the pastors with whom we work is named Enock Charles. He shared an amazing testimony with us of an event that happened to him while he was doing the Lord’s work in Uganda. My friend Steve caught most of the details, so here is the basic story:

Pastor Enock with his wife and child

In 2006 Enock Charles was doing missions work in Gulu, Northern Uganda (the same city where we spent some time this past trip) with a pastor from Arkansas, sharing the gospel in the village where there were many refugees from rebel opposition. They lead one woman to the Lord and when they were leaving her husband returned very mad because the white pastor he falsely believed was part of the funding of the war that caused so many to die. The husband proceeded to hold them both at gun point, walked them out to some bushes and made them lie on the ground with their hands over their heads.

As he was going to kill them both, Enock began praying out to the Lord, and an amazing peace came over him. The white pastor was crying and calling out to his wife and kids. Enock told him that he must call out to God, because his wife couldn’t save them. Enock convinced the man with the gun to give them 5 minutes, so he prayed even harder for the husband and for the safety of the Arkansas pastor and himself. Then he told the man, “Go ahead and shoot us, just do it!” The man then began shaking and trembling. He dropped the gun and was unable to kill them! At one point Enock picked up the gun and gave it to the man saying, “Here is your gun. Just kill us, but do me first so I don’t have to see the Mzungu (white person) die since I am responsible for bringing him here.” The man finally said, “No, I can’t do it.”

Then they went back into the house with his wife and he also accepted Christ as Savior. For the next four days, he took Enock and the pastor around the village, introducing them to many people, and many were saved!! That man went on to a Bible college and today he is a pastor, loving Christ and preaching His Word.

Pastor Enock in middle studying with Pastor Titus (left) and Pastor Seleli (right)

The reality is that our God regularly does miraculous works all around the world. May you be encouraged to stand strong in your faith, and be filled with courage to share your faith boldly, for eternities hang in the balance. Pressing on, Eric