Common Traits in the Family of God

This past Sunday I preached at Richvale Church, concluding the series in 1 John they had been going through by focusing on 1 John 5. I enjoyed working through the chapter in expository fashion, paying special attention to the first five verses. Here we see four traits of any true believer, woven inextricably together, which should be present in increasing measure as we grow stronger with Christ. Based upon the traits we share in common with other believers, and the testimony of reliable witnesses (1 John 5:6-13), we can be assured of our eternal future in the family of God (1 John 5:12-21). I’ll paste my notes here so you can review how these “believer birthmarks” hopefully characterize your life:

A. Faith. We believe that Jesus is the Christ. (1,5)
• Cf. – 2:23; 4:15
• “believe” – lit. keep believing – continuing nature to this belief – true children of God continue in faith throughout their life.
• “that Jesus is the Christ” – the object of our faith is something specific (not a vague religious feeling), namely Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah whom God sent as our Savior from sin.
• Lit. “has been born of God” – regeneration precedes faith. John is making same point as in John 3:7 “born again” with Nicodemus.

B. Love. (1,2) (Nothing new in John’s epistle.)
• Love the Father. (1,2) What does love of Father look like? Love for His children and obedience to His commands.
• Love the Father’s children. (1) What does love for God’s children look like? Love for Father and obedience to His commands.
• Cf. – 2:10; 3:11,4:7,12,21

C. Obedience. We obey God’s commandments (2,3)
• Cf. – 2:3-6; 3:23 – believe and love one another
• “keep His commandments” – a pattern of habitual obedience is the idea.
• Obeying God’s commandments is the way to love the Father and His children because when we obey God, it blesses everyone. When we disobey, it hurts everyone.
• “they are not burdensome” – Far from a heavy list of do’s and don’ts (rel. leaders – Matt.23:4), to obey God’s commands is a joy as we experience the love of God and are motivated by love, not guilt, fear, or earning favor. We eagerly desire to please him, and find that “his yoke is easy and his burden is light.” (Matt.11:28-30)
• Nearly all of 176 verses of Ps.119 mention God’s laws, commands or precepts. The psalmist loves commands of God! “O how I love your Law!” (Ps. 119:97) He rejoices in the Law (Ps. 119:14, 162) and delights in it (Ps. 119:16, 24). It is honey to his taste (Ps. 119:103). In fact, “Your decrees are the theme of my song wherever I lodge.” (Ps. 119:54).
• Jacob had to work for fourteen years to win the woman he loved, but the Bible tells us “they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.” (Gen.29:20).

D. Victory. We overcome the world (4,5) – victory is possible only through faith in Jesus Christ. Repeated three times for emphasis.
• “the world” is Satan’s complete system of wickedness which works against God to destroy us and send us to hell. (Cf. – 2:15-17)
• God is so much more satisfying than anything the world has to offer.
• John 16:33 – Jesus says,”I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I’ve overcome the world.”
• Rev.12:11-“They (saints) overcame him (the accuser) by the blood of the Lamb & by the word of their testimony.”
• Rom.8:37 – “In all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us.”

Illust. – Civil War veteran found wandering around, begging for food or shelter. Because of his injuries, he was unable to hold a steady job. But every chance he got, he would share about his beloved friend, Mr. Lincoln.
“You say you knew Pres. Lincoln?” a skeptical bystander said. “Prove it!”
The old man replied, “Why, sure, I can prove it. In fact, I have a piece of paper here that Mr. Lincoln himself signed and gave to me.”
From his old wallet, the vet took out a much-folded piece of paper and showed it to the skeptic.
“I’m not much for reading,” he apologized, “but I know that’s Mr. Lincoln’s signature.”
“Man, do you know what you have here?” one of the spectators asked. “You have a generous federal pension authorized by President Lincoln. You don’t have to walk around like a poor beggar! Mr. Lincoln has made you rich!”
Applic. – John is saying that as Christians we don’t have to live depressing, defeated lives struggling for survival. Jesus Christ has made us rich! We have a letter to prove it! He has defeated every enemy and we share His victory. Now, by faith, claim His victory!

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