Training in Tanzania November 2013

This past week, after training in India and Uganda, my buddy Steve and I flew to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to train a group of pastors there. After preaching at a village church on Sunday (and giving an exposition of Ephesians to church leadership), we launched into the training the following week.

Pastor Ikongo’s church in Madale

It was a joyful time pouring through the Gospel of Mark, and we were deeply encouraged by the growth we witnessed in the lives of our dear brothers there as they take this training to various parts of the country.

Training in Dar

This is the fourth training we’ve done with this group, and each time they continue to develop in their skills of handling the Word and preaching expository sermons.

Our core group of pastor-trainers in Dar

While some of the members of the group were not able to attend due to health or other reasons, the core group was present and very involved, and we were overjoyed to hear that this training is being passed on to nearly 300 other pastors throughout the country.

Studying the Word together

After this four day training, Steve and I made a trip to a nearby island and were able to work with another group of pastors who are facing some difficult challenges. We sensed the Lord working among us, and were able to offer support and encouragement from God’s Word both to pastors and a large congregation.

Faithful saints in a difficult location

I am very thankful to be back now, reunited with my family, and re-engaging in life in the US. It was a long time to be away (nearly a month), but the ways we saw God work (overseas, as well as in protecting the family) made it all very worthwhile.

In weeks to come, I’d like to share some of the stories we heard from our time in the various places we visited. So check back weekly to hear “God-sightings” and join us as we praise our wonder-working God. Pressing on, Eric

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