Heart of God for the Nations as seen in Scripture

Dear friends, I am in the Seattle airport waiting to depart for a series of flights to Dar es Salaam. After arriving in Dar, Uriah and I will sleep for a few hours, then turn around head out to the village to preach. The next morning we begin working with our brothers offering them the fifth workshop in Bible training, which focuses on Psalms. It is always a joy in my heart to be reunited with these dear pastors.


In thinking about Psalms, I’ve been thinking of one of the clearest mission Psalms we have recorded, and how it fits into the larger biblical story of God’s heart for the nations. The clear message of Psalm 67 is that God has blessed us and will bless us for a purpose, and that purpose is so that all nations, all peoples of the earth will praise Him, for He is worthy. This is God’s desire and should be ours as well. And the Bible is full of this message from Genesis to Revelation. Here’s a brief synopsis, although there are MANY other passages that could be added:


  • Gen.1:26ff – Creation of “Image-bearers” who were to fill the earth with the glory of God.
  • Gen.12:1-4 – Abram is blessed to be blessing to all families of earth.
  • Ex.19:4-6 – All Israel is to participate in priesthood, as representatives of God, bringing nations to God. 1 Pet.2:9-10 extends this to all believers.
  • Exodus-Joshua – Conquest of nations causes God’s glory, fear and fame to spread.
  • 1 Kings 8:41-43 – God establishes Israel, and Solomon prays that foreigners will be drawn to worship God at temple.
  • Psalm 67 – Prayer for blessing so all peoples will praise God.
  • Jonah – God’s desire for nations is shown in His pursuit of the man of God to share in His heart.
  • Habakkuk 2:14 – Earth filled with knowledge of glory of God.
  • Jesus preaching, ministry and miracles – (Jn.10:16, Mark 11:15-18 –cf. Is.56:1-7, Matt.28:18-20).
  • Acts 2 – HS is manifest, Gospel preached to many nations.
  • Acts 10 – Peter is told kingdom of God includes Gentiles like Cornelius.
  • Acts 13:1-4, 44-49 – Paul and Barn sent out by HS and Antioch church to preach Gospel to Gentiles.
  • Rev.7:9; 15:3-4 – History ends with people from every tongue and tribe and nation worshipping God.

I hope you can see that God has a passion for all the people of the earth to know Him, fellowship with Him and worship Him. So what will we do to help this to happen? That is our commission, the Great Commission. This is why I’m traveling to Africa and investing in African pastors. To God be the glory. Pressing on, Eric 


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