Psalms training in Tanzania

This past week I was in Dar es Salaam, continuing with our Pathway training for pastors. I was joined by my friend Uriah Donaldson, a young man who has a great desire to teach the Bible wherever God opens doors. This is the fifth workshop with this group of dear brothers who gather from various parts of Tanzania for training in how to study, obey and teach God’s Word well. It is always an encouragement being with these dear friends as their hunger for the Word is very apparent.


This time we were were also joined by a group of four from a nearby island that has experienced much persecution recently. These are the pastors on the frontlines, preaching the truth at great cost, and if was a delight and encouragement to all to have them with us. For security reason, I will not post their picture, but they are extremely interested in having these trainings be brought to their island so that other pastors on the island can learn how to preach God’s Word better.

Training pastors in Dar

Small group exercises during training

The first day after I arrived I drove for a couple hours out to a remote village (45 minutes on dirt road) to preach at Pastor Ikongo’s church. We were greeted with rousing worship, singing and dancing to the Lord. After preaching, the congregation gathered around and I was able to pray for many who were struggling with sickness or other issues.

lively worship in Madale

Kids in Madale who attend Ikongo’s church and received shoeboxes from Operation Christmas Child

The training this time was focused on the book of Psalms, and we explored exegetical tools for understanding such as structure of Psalms, Poetic Tools, and Preaching Christ from Psalms. I am seeing much improvement in the preaching of the participants as they walk through the text of Scripture, working to give the message the Psalmist intended first to the original readers and then applying it to us today.

Studying the Word

Our time ended after four days in the workshop by hearing from the pastors about who they are passing this training on to. We celebrated the expanding sphere of influence as these trainings are going out to over 150 pastors and leaders throughout the country and even into Rwanda. Many of these second generation trainers are taking the material to a third generation, where over 200 are receiving the training. Bwana Yesu asifiwe!

Praying a blessing for pastors

Because of the faithful contributions of the supporters who stand with us, I was able to offer financial assistance to many of the pastors who come to these trainings, to help cover some of the cost for their accommodations, food and transportation. Without this assistance, the pastors would not be able to attend these trainings. Yet we always strive to make the trainings reproducible, so only long-distance costs are covered.

God is good, and I am thankful for the chance to serve our Lord and grow His kingdom in this way. It is strategic and effective, and I pray it is honoring to our Lord. Pressing on for Him, Eric

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