Pastor Training Team

I am a blessed man. God has put me together with an outstanding group of men who are truly a delight to work with. This past week I was in Iowa working about 14 hrs/day on developing and refining our Bible Pathways curriculum. Our team of four worked tirelessly through each of our workshops, diving into the Word and sharing our experiences in training nationals globally in an effort to produce the very best, most effective curriculum possible. During these intense days, we sensed the Spirit moving us along, but we also just had a great time with each other. Each one of our team members has many years of experience in preaching and pastoral ministry, and much maturity in walking with Christ. I enjoy so much learning from these men and being sharpened (Prov.17:17) into a more useful tool in the Master’s hands.

ReachGlobal’s Pastor Training TeamOur team members (from left to right) are Al Lewis (standing next to me) who is our team leader and oversees India and SE Asia trainings. Next to him is Brad Reardon, who is focused on West Africa, at this point in Liberia and Ghana. At the far right is Michael Gunderson, who coordinates our efforts in Latin America and the Caribbean. I have been designated the Africa director, but I mainly focus in East and Central Africa. We all share the load with each other, and are praying our team will grow, according to God’s will.  I truly thank God for each of these special men, as well as our larger Global Equipping Division which is a team of 16 that trains pastors and leaders in many essential areas such as church planting, church health, leadership development and orality. 

Pressing on with an outstanding team, Eric

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