It has been some time since my last post, for several reason. One is that I’m not sure how many people even look at this website (if you look here from time to time, feel free to drop me an email and let me know!) Another is that I’ve been up to my ears in doing trainings, prepping for trainings, working on home projects, and the like. But it seems appropriate to do an entry on the recent training I did in Ethiopia. While this trip certainly had some training components to it, the primary purpose for it was to cast the vision and prepare all the details for launching a three year training network.
Our primary coordinator for this network is Ashebir Ketema. He is the secretary general for the Guenet church denomination, which has nearly 700 churches in it. He and his wife Etifework were wonderful hosts, putting on a coffee ceremony with some serious brew (they call American coffee “black water.”) I was fed WONDERFUL Ethiopian food and was invited to preach in one of their churches which had nearly 1000 people present. At the service I preached the Gospel, and one young woman came forward to place her faith in Christ, praise God!
We then drove about 5 hours south of Addis to the town of Hawassa which was centrally located in the southern region, convenient for the many pastors coming from rural areas in southern Ethiopia.
There were about 16 pastors who gathered together, who will serve as the trainers for many other pastors throughout the area. It was wonderful opening God’s Word with these pastors, most of whom Pastor Ashebir calls “barefoot” pastors, meaning they have no training.
We worked through some basic principles of Bible study, and focused on the book of Philippians in observing what the text says within its context, understanding what it meant for those people at that time to whom it was written, and then how it applies to us today. They were truly enthusiastic at the end of our time, shouting out that they were hungry for this training and were willing to sacrifice and work hard to make sure it happened.
The trip was fairly brief, and the flights were long, but there was a layover in Dubai so I was able to see the Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, and the Dubai Mall which has nearly every store imaginable, as well as a massive aquarium, ice rink, fountain timed to a music show and a cool waterfall.
It was good to finally get home to be with the family again, but in every one of these trainings I truly delight in the opportunity to give Bible study tools to pastors who are in such need and are so grateful for what we offer.
In less than two weeks I head to Tanzania and then Kenya to do two more trainings with groups in these countries. Praise God the opportunities are endless. May He use our efforts to spread His Word and build His kingdom. Pressing on, Eric
I write from Ethiopha, I wonder if you have a plan to extend the training in otheq parts of Ethipia. If so Please send me an email
Many thanks
Thank you for your message, Abiot. We are trusting God to open doors where He wants us to take Pathways. If you are connected with a group of pastors, I’m happy to talk with you more. Please email me at: Blessings to you.