Testimonies and Whirlwind Training in Congo

I have just returned from another training time in Africa – this time my first time in West Africa. My flight out of the US was delayed, causing me to miss connections, so I ended up being re-routed all the way through Germany and Istanbul, Turkey and Nairobi, Kenya, which meant I was flying for three days with no sleep. I landed on the ground in Kinchasa, Congo at 9:30 AM, scheduled to preach at a church at 10AM. The pastor met me and I was quickly taken to church, and began preaching shortly after arriving. Following meetings that afternoon, by the time I got to the guesthouse I was one tired boy!

Preaching in Baptist church in Kinshasa

The next morning, we were surprised to find a large group present, prepared and ready to receive our training. Typically we aim for a group of 14-16 master trainers, who in turn train many others, and our curriculum works best with this size group as it is highly interactive. However, in this case, we had over 50 present.

Pathway Bible Training in Kinshasa Congo

We also found out that an old version of our material had been translated into French for use in the training, so we had to make several adjustments on the fly. My training partner, Brad Reardon, did a great job of flexing with me.

Training in Kinshasa

One of the highlights was working with our two coordinators, Nubako Selenga (director of ReachAfrica), and Abraham Mudidi (head of French-speaking ReachAfrica). Both men are dear brothers, with servant hearts and a Christ-centered vision to see Africa transformed by the Gospel.

Selenga, Mudidi and Eric

Although we started with some bumps, the training improved each day, with the participants eagerly receiving the material, absorbing it, and strategizing how to pass the trainings on to many others. Here are some of their comments:

“I have received some education, but this training has opened my eyes to go deep in Bible study. I have preached with many errors, but now I am expecting to grow much.” -Denis Mosongo, Director of Pastor Training Center in Gemena, DRC.

“Since receiving this training, my whole perspective on how to read and study the Bible has been transformed.” -Mama Nene

“Previously I had committed never to pray for the Tutsi people because of what they had done and the atrocities I have witnessed. Now following our study of Jonah I see the need to love even these. We will train pastors in this method.” -Pastor Kuzy, Director of Training School in Kinshasa and Baptist pastor.

“I have new glasses in reading the Bible.” -Pastor Pascal, evangelist in Baptist church in Kinshasa.

“I can see myself in the message of Jonah. My concern is that so many preachers set aside the Word and preach their own messages and feelings. Now I see the need to preach only the Word. With all my heart we express our gratitude for your coming to us. This has been a great blessing.” -Pastor Danu, Covenant Church, Kinshasa.

“The history of our country has been many wars, especially filled with hostile people in the East. Now I see we need to take this training even to those that are so difficult to love.” -Pastor Camille, Assembly of God, Kinshasa.

“I appreciate the methodology which challenges us to stay in the text. I used to read this book with no interest, but now I am so fascinated and drawn to study with great interest and care.” -Pastor Jean Claude, Baptist Church, Kinshasa.

“I have seen so many abuses in the church (manipulating text for preacher’s purposes), and so I pushed back on all church systems. Now I see above all I need to be open to the Word and to preaching it truthfully. Yesterday I preached according to the methods presented in our training and it was a new way. Afterward my wife told me, ‘Your preaching is different. We can trust it because it comes from the Word!'” -Pastor Godi, Kinshasa.

Kinshasa Training group

Wow, praise God for the good work He is doing is so many pastors lives throughout Africa. Please keep Pastor Mudidi and Pastor Selenga in your prayers as they continue to coordinate this vital training over the next three years.

Closing prayer and commissioning

Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric

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