Pastor training in the bush country of Turkanaland

Following the training Pastor Steve and I did in Rwanda, we caught a late flight to Kenya, managed to find a guesthouse for about 2.5 hrs sleep, then left early in the morning for a flight to NW Kenya (Lodwar), to train pastors among a people group called the Turkana. Landing at the incredibly small airstrip was something out of the movies, with a small covered area where people waited for the one flight/day, and a small metal shipping container that had been reworked into a security screening area.

Airport in Lodwar, with gathering spot in foreground and screening area in container at back

one flight a day into and out of Lodwar

NW Kenya in Lodwar near our training

We received a very warm welcome by our Turkana brothers who hosted us graciously and shared their lives with us. Sammy is a Kenyan who lives in Texas and oversees all the work in “Share Int’l”, the non-profit organization these brothers have created to reach the Turkana people for Christ. Pastors Joshua, Peter and Dalmas live in Lodwar and are the hands-on leaders of the ministry. There are pastors in America who partner with these pastors to assist in a variety of projects related to accomplishing the goals of Share Int’l.

Turkana pastors studying

The group is so very excited to have us come and train a select group of 15 pastor trainers who will then take the training and pass it on to many others throughout the region. In addition to meetings with the leaders, Steve and I trained a group of about 50-70 pastors and church leaders, and there was a ton of excitement produced for Bible study and biblical preaching. We went through our pre-training curriculum focusing on the unique aspects of the Bible, why Bible study is so vital for a pastor and preacher, we exegeted 2 Tim. 3:14-4:5, and discussed why expository preaching is an excellent way of communicating God’s Word to God’s people.

Teaching Turkana pastors from Philippians

The next day we did a demonstration sermon on Philippians 1:3-11, and we broke into groups and made observations through the first chapter of Philippians. It was eye-opening to many of the pastors. The emphasis was on helping them discover the author’s intent in the passage, and then apply it to our lives. We ended the time with a session on the vital importance of multiplication, and I think they all really got it. I have high hopes for this group as they were on their feet cheering in excitement about the training that is to come.

Pastors studying in small groups

There were a number of thoughts the three key Turkana leaders shared, like when Dalmas said, “God was speaking through His Word through you. We could sense your love for the pastors.” “A new beginning is springing forth for pastors in this area. These teachings were timely and life-transforming, and the trainers got very excited not only about receiving the material but to pass it on to many others.”

Pastor Joshua said, “Steve and Eric were well-synced in what they shared and how they worked together and communicated in harmony, complementing each other. This was the first time our pastors had seen this style of teaching.” He also said, “Most of our pastors have never received any training, but they knew there was a better way. Now they know what the better way is. Some members in their congregations know more than the pastors do. The pastors now have hope to be able to teach their people by understanding and teaching the Word well.” “This training has ignited a great desire to attend the future trainings.”

Group shot

In all, it was very easy to fall in love with these people. Sammy is doing a phenomenal work with them, we were deeply blessed by their hospitality, kindness, and hunger for the Word. At one point, Sammy shared a great illustration, “You cannot serve your people uncooked food. You must first cook the food for your people, and then serve it to them.” What a delightful process it is to “cook” God’s Word through faithful study, and then serve a bountiful, God glorifying “meal” to the people of God.

Eric and Steve in Lodwar

Pressing on, Eric

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