Catalyzing Gospel Movements

This brief phrase, “Catalyzing Gospel Movements,” has become a tagline within our mission division, the Global Equipping Division in ReachGlobal. Our mission statement is, “We serve alongside ReachGlobal divisions and national partners to catalyze Gospel movements.” Keep on reading, and you’ll learn more what this means.

I have just returned from a week of strategic meetings with our team, and it was outstanding and so very encouraging to see the ways God is working to develop, empower and release leaders around the world. These leaders are becoming movement leaders, igniting a passion for biblically trained pastors in some of the most impoverished and uneducated regions of the world. We heard from team members focused on church planting, leadership development, church health, community development, and our Pathway sub-team which is focused on training pastors to study and preach God’s Word well.

Global Equipping Division, with our leader Phil Arendt and his wife skyping in

Phil (our division leader) and Peggy were “with us” each day via Skype. Please keep Phil in your prayers as he continues with radiation and chemotherapy to overcome a life-threatening cancerous brain tumor.

During the time, we discussed a book by Steve Addison called, “Movements that Change the World.” He analyzed many movements, from biblical ones down through the centuries and noted five common factors that are characteristics of movements that change the world:

  1. White-hot faith
  2. Commitment to a cause
  3. Contagious relationships
  4. Rapid mobilization
  5. Adaptive methods

I know that those words probably don’t mean much to you, but it was a good measuring stick to evaluate how we are doing in pursuit of launching God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-anointed, biblically grounded movements around the world. That is our aim. We don’t want to simply train several hundred pastors, and for things to stop there. We want to train pastors who train others who train others, and for the movement to multiply exponentially throughout regions, countries and the world. Yes, I’m dreaming big, but I also have a big faith in the God who has shaped lives, nations, people groups and the world.

Most of our Pastor Training Team on a hike

During our time, we also discussed topics such as travel stress, since all of us lead a lifestyle that is heavy in global travel, and this affects us and our families in all aspects of our lives. We talked about recruitment tactics, since it is clear that we will be needing to expand as a team to accomplish the vision God has given us. We looked at our vision, and established short and long-term goals to accomplish it. We were also encouraged that our division (14 members at present) is absolutely central to helping our mission launch Gospel movements globally. By God’s grace, we will continue to move forward.

In all, I can say unequivocally that I am truly blessed to be a part of this team. They are each remarkable, gifted, mature, passionate, godly, highly-qualified leaders, and it is my honor to serve the Lord alongside them.

Pressing on, Eric

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