Celebrating 17!

Just over a week ago, Holly and I celebrated our seventeenth wedding anniversary. I know it is not a big number to some, but we are thankful for the journey God has us on, and rejoice at the many lessons we’ve learned (and continue to learn) and character that is being forged through the process of marriage.

It must be Valentine’s Day!

There is no way we could have predicted, when I carried Holly down the aisle after saying “I DO!” about what the next years would hold for us. A dozen years of blessed pastoral ministry in America, three exciting, formative years on the mission field in Africa, three incredible blessings from the Lord in Adam, Andrew and Alyssa. Of course there have been challenges and hardships along the way, but through it all, there has been a deep confidence that God is controlling our lives.

My bride and me on an anniversary hike

I am a blessed man to be called the husband of Holly Belz. She truly is a godly woman, worth far more than jewels. I have seen her grow so much in her relationship with the Lord over the past few years through her health issues. She trusts the Lord more deeply now than ever before, and that profoundly encourages my heart. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but by God’s grace we will face it together, and walk that road hand in hand for the glory of our King.

Pressing on, Eric and Holly Belz 

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