Testimonies from the Field – Daniel Ikongo

daniel-1Seven years ago, Daniel Ikongo approached me, humbly asking for my help. He was a pastor with no training, and we were living in TZ to train pastors. He was pastoring a small church in Madale, a village an hour outside Dar es Salaam, and was struggling with how to lead his people. He shared that he believed I was his Paul and he was my Timothy. That began a close relationship where I met with Daniel regularly, visited his church and home many times, and continued to train him over the years.

daniel-2Daniel grew in his handling of the Word and took the trainings I gave him to all different parts of Tanzania. Earlier this year, after the graduation ceremony for the pastors in this network, Daniel pulled me aside and shared that he had just been chosen to be the bishop of his denomination because people said that they could see his skill in handling the Word well, his faithful, godly character and his love for people.

God is working in the Daniel Ikongo’s throughout Africa and around the world, and we are blessed to be a part of His work. Check out this video to hear his testimony about how Pathways and our relationship affected him.

Pressing on for the King,


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