Our church family

Ever since shortly after moving to the Pacific Northwest, we’ve been attending a church just a couple miles from our house called Littlerock Community Fellowship. We’ve been blessed in many ways by this group. Initially, we enjoyed the solid Bible exposition that we heard from the pulpit, theologically they lined up with what we believe, and they were close to us so even when I was gone on mission trips to Africa (which is very frequently), Holly and the kids could make it the short distance to the church.

Littlerock Community Fellowship

Over time, though, we became more a part of the church family. Our kids served in summer outreach programs they offered. We developed close friendships with several of the members. The church adopted us as some of their main missionaries they partner with financially and in other ways, and they have become our biggest contributor, which highlights their investment in us and our mission. Men from the church take turns driving me to the airport for my international trips. We have come to know the pastoral staff well and I even trained them and others from the church in the Pathways Bible Training material I teach overseas. One of the pastors even joined me on a training in Africa. When I’ve been gone, they have offered meals to the family, helped with emergency situations, they have come and prayed for our family, several of the guys have helped me with house projects, and many other practical areas of partnership.

We’ve come to appreciate the style of music they choose, and find it draws us to God through the skill and heart of the music leader. There is accountability that the church leadership offers, occasional opportunities to preach, and many opportunities to serve in other ways. We’re continuing to grow closer to this group, our kids enjoy the church and Holly and I sense this is a good church home. In an area of America where good Bible exposition can be difficult to find, we certainly have been blessed by landing near a church where Pastor Greg gives strong expository messages from God’s Word week after week.

Pastor Greg

Although all who attend the church would admit it is not perfect, for no church is perfect, yet Christ is present and reigning, and we are thankful to be part of this “community.” If you don’t have a church home that you are a part of, I strongly encourage you to do the diligent work to search out and become part of a good church, and then help make it stronger, healthier, and better through your presence and involvement. Hebrews 10:24-25 reminds us, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric

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