By God’s grace and the Spirit’s help, I’m happy to announce that my six year journey in academia has come to a conclusion. Three years of coursework, and three years of dissertation research and writing are finished, praise God! Last week on Thursday I received notification that my dissertation was published on the academic website “ProQuest” and a few printed copies will be sent to me.
Then, Friday was my graduation from BIOLA University (although I did not attend in person), and in 6-8 weeks they will mail me my diploma for a doctorate in intercultural studies.
On Sunday, our home church, Littlerock Community Fellowship, had a prayer time before our service for my trip as I return to Africa to continue training pastors in how to study and use God’s Word in preaching and building healthy churches. Then, in the service, the elders offered another prayer time.
Please keep this trip to Togo, West Africa, in your prayers as it is the first time traveling internationally since COVID, and there are many requirements, including three COVID tests.
Here are a couple specific prayer requests:
- Pray that God will use my dissertation and doctorate in building His kingdom in ways beyond what I can imagine.
- Pray that God will bring the right pastors and master trainers to our training, that He will bless meetings with Converge Baptist missionaries, and that my training partner Al and I will be used to offer sweet encouragement to the Togolese people.