In a whirlwind trip last week, we flew to Kentucky, got Allie settled in at Boyce College, spent time with Pathways teammates, worked with Adam and Sofia on wedding plans, worked out a ton at the nice gym on campus, bounced down to southern Kentucky and preached in a church and visited family, then I headed to Minneapolis and worked 14 hour days on curriculum development with teammates Steve and Mike, and Holly and Andrew headed home. Whew! But I’m only back for three days before Holly and I take off for Uganda. Never a dull moment, but all filled with good things.

Alyssa is so very happy at Boyce. She is close to her brother Adam, who is on the same campus at Southern Seminary. She is making many friends in the dorms. She has a great living situation. And she is soaking up all her classes: Old Testament overview, Theology, Biblical Counseling, and Personal Evangelism. This is her dream come true.

The curriculum development time was very significant since another pastor and I will be teaching the workshop Steve, Mike, and I just created to the pastors in Uganda. The focus of the workshop is the Whole Story of the Bible, and we have significantly reworked the entire workshop and I’ll beta test it, but we believe it will greatly bless our pastors globally. Please pray for Holly’s and my trip with pastor Aaron. It is the first time Holly has been back to Africa since she was sick and we had to quickly leave. This is probably the best thing to help her hurting heart as she acutely feels the “empty nest.”