Just three days after returning from Adam and Sofia’s wedding, I climbed onto an airplane and headed to Kenya for the final workshop and graduation of our Masai pastors in rural Kenya. I launched this network over four years ago, and I’m pleased to share that the pastors have made steady progress in their skills in studying, understanding, and preaching God’s Word. Those who have passed onto others the material they learned have increased dramatically.
Prior to the training, I spent a day in Nairobi making some important connections, first with Dr. Aila Tasse, a founder Lifeway Ministry and practitioner of DMM. Disciple Making Movement is a quickly growing house church movement that has spread to 4000 house churches in Kenya, and 14 nations in East Africa, 10 nations in southern Africa, and many other nations. Dr. Aila is excited to have Pathways offer training to his house church leaders which has the potential to spread to thousands throughout his network. I also met with my longtime friend Bishop Abel Orayo who has many connections in Nairobi and is eager to launch a Pathways network.
For this final workshop, I was joined by an unusually large American team, Pastor Jon and his wife Robin, and Pastor Jack and his father in law Rob. After doing a thorough review of all Pathways steps and tools, the participants began preaching through the book of Habakkuk, and after each full message the whole class offered helpful encouragement and suggestions for growth. As our coordinator Joshua reported in the video below, the growth and multiplication the network experienced was truly encouraging.
Following the training, we had a stimulus-loaded graduation filled with music, dancing, speeches, and presenting of certificates. The joy from the graduates and hundreds of their families and friends could hardly be contained. In fact, at one point a huge crowd mobbed the graduates so that the presentation of certificates needed to be paused until people returned to their seats. I offered the graduation sermon, encouraging the pastors from Acts 20:19-35 to persevere in their character, conduct, and commitment to the Word.
Following the graduation, I headed straight to the airport four hours away, and then home. Two days later, my curriculum revision team of Steve and Mike showed up for a week of curriculum work. Never a dull moment, but I’m thankful for our God who is growing Masai pastors and our Pathways team for His glory.