Please pray for Kenya ministry

Dear ministry partners, I leave Tuesday morning to train pastors and ministry leaders in two different parts of Kenya.

I will be training in Nairobi and Mombasa

Here is an overview of the ministry I’ll be engaged in along with some prayer requests:

Pathways in Kenya: June 25 – July 5

Overview: Eric will head back to East Africa to offer a pre-launch conference to 30 pastors and ministry leaders in Nairobi. Then he will give a Pathways training to a network of church planters in Mombasa.


  • June 25-26 – Travel to Kenya.
  • June 27-29 – Build relationship with Pastor Silas, coordinator in Nairobi. Offer training to 30 local pastors. Travel to Kenyan coast, Mombasa.
  • June 30 – Preach in church in Mombasa and prepare for training.
  • July 1-4 – Train 16-20 church planters in a modified version of Pathways training where we cover many of the Bible study skills in one workshop.
  • July 4-5 – Travel home.

Prayer requests:

  1. Praise God for open doors and intense interest in Kenya to receive training in how to study and preach God’s Word. This will be a solo training, so pray Eric will be in step with his “partner,” the Holy Spirit.
  2. Please pray for a good and growing relationship with Silas, coordinator for Nairobi Pathways as Eric stays in his home with his family. This is a new connection, and Silas seems perfect for the role. Pray Silas will gather the ministry leaders God desires, and Eric’s other local connections will assist. Pray Eric will lay the groundwork for a healthy launch of Pathways.
  3. Pray for the time in Mombasa. This is in partnership with Tyrannus Bible School. Several tribes are represented, including Somalis. Since Eric is not allowed into Somalia, this is a strategic way to get good training into that neighboring country.