Dad receives the crown of life

On Sunday, March 18, I received a call from my sister while I was wandering the crowded streets of Kinshasa, DR Congo preparing to lead a training for pastors beginning the next day. She told me briefly that my 83 year old father, Louis Belz, had just passed away. After several years with Alzheimer’s, the Lord decided it was time to take my father home to be with Jesus (2 Cor. 5:8).

Louis Virgil Belz, 1935-2018

I was able to change my plane tickets so that after the training ended, I flew directly to be with the family in Hopkinsville, KY, and help perform my dad’s funeral on March 24. My sons, Adam and Andrew, flew to meet me for the service, which was a celebration of God’s faithfulness to my father and my father’s faithfulness to the God he loved, thereby inheriting the “crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10)

Dad and Mom on their 50th wedding anniversary at Tumwater Falls in 2014

At the service, I shared thoughts from 2 Cor. 5:1-10, and incorporated special memories of my 50 years with my father and qualities I appreciated about him. He was a steady, stable, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, attending and serving in the Lutheran church for most of his life. He had a strong work ethic, carefully controlled his emotions and taught me that tough times build character. He loved the outdoors and I remember backpacking, bicycling and skin diving trips with my dad. And there was no doubt that my dad held family as one of his highest priorities. He was loyal and devoted to my mom for their nearly 54 years of marriage.

The spot in Kinshasa where I heard the news from my sister that my dad had just passed away.

He was a quiet man who preferred to express himself through actions rather than in words, so in honor of him I will not write a long, verbose post. Certainly he will be missed, but there is great comfort and peace knowing he is now with the Lord that he loved throughout his life. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric.

My sister Lisa and her family, mom and the boys and me

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