Videos from Kinshasa, Congo

Greetings, friends. In just a couple days, Adam (18) and I leave for Tanzania. Together we’ll be speaking at a youth conference, and I’ll be leading a Pathways workshop at a pastors conference. We will also be preaching in churches on Sunday.  We’re looking forward to the time together, and our good friend Paul will be joining us for the fun.  Please pray for good connection times with the pastors and young people.

I also wanted to share a few brief video clips from a recent trip to Kinshasa, DR Congo. Pastor Abraham Mudidi, who hosted my training partner and me, shares about Pathways in this brief video:

To give you a little taste of Kinshasa, we took a walk through streets around Abraham’s house and I caught some video.

Finally, one of the pastors we work with, Denis Mosongo, shares his appreciation for our partnership that enables him to come to Kinshasa to receive Bible training.

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