Training with my son in Tanzania

Training pastors with Adam in Mbeya, Tanzania

I think there are few things in life more rewarding that what I just experienced with my 18 year old son, Adam. We just returned from a trip to Western Tanzania where we worked with groups of pastors and young people in Mbeya. For two days I trained a group of about 50 pastors, introducing them to our Pathways material, and Adam was a ready assistant. Then for two days we taught young people at a youth conference. Adam shared his testimony and helped facilitate discussion times, and I taught on discipleship from the Gospel of Luke. We were a team together, and it gladdened my heart to see my son communicating to others about his faith.

Then on Sunday we preached the Word – I was in one church and he was in another. He did a great job, and was an awesome traveling partner as we stayed in pastors homes, had all kinds of interesting experiences, and made memories that will last a lifetime. Along the way, we were able to stop in Amsterdam on a long layover and Dar es Salaam where we lived for three years. We saw our old house, and visited the school where he went and friends we both knew.

Adam preaching in a small church in Mbeya

This Mbeya network is hungry to begin Pathways, perhaps in the Fall, and to pass it on throughout their region.  May God provide the partners to help us accomplish this goal. Pressing on, Eric

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