I recently preached a sermon on a remarkable Bible character. His name was King Jehoshaphat, and he reigned in Judah from 873-848 BC. You can read his story recorded in 2 Chronicles 17-21:1 and 1 Kings 22. Although he was certainly not a perfect king, he was one of the five best kings of Judah, and teaches us some very good lessons as we strive to seek God with all our heart and trust Him for success in our life.
There was no doubt that Jehoshaphat started off well, as his father Asa had done. 2 Chron.17:3-6 recounts his zeal for the Lord in tearing down places of false worship and instituting great reforms. However, 25 years later at the end of his reign, we do not see the same passion in fighting for the Lord’s glory. And so with us, in the race of life, starting well is excellent and important. But life is not a sprint; it is a marathon. Therefore, the end is far more important than the beginning. Make sure to be running with God every step of the way. Sinful patterns and habits need to be removed, and continually stomped out and destroyed. This is not a one time act, but an ongoing, lifelong battle against sin.
2 Corinth.10:5 – “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
Rom.13:14 (NAS) – “But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts.”
Jehoshaphat also teaches us the importance of guarding our relationships, knowing influence goes both ways. In 2 Chron.18 – Jehoshaphat made an alliance with evil Ahab (from Israel), with whom they had previously been enemies during his father’s reign. J’s son married Ahab’s daughter and this caused many probs: God’s judgmt (19:2); Ahab’s daughter Athaliah was bad news – she killed the descendants of David and she brought idols back into Judah. Be careful about who you build relationships with. “Bad company corrupts good morals!” (1 Cor.15:33)
Finally, Jehoshaphat teaches us in ch.20 to turn to and trust in the Lord for victory in challenges we face. Take a bit of time to read the amazing account of the Moabite and Ammonite armies attacking Judah, how Jehoshaphat responds, and what the Lord does. It’s truly incredible, and inspiring! Jehoshaphat worships God and leads Judah to praise God, even before the battle begins. God sends a message that He will give victory to Judah, and the people celebrate. Who are the ones to lead the way into battle? The Israelite choir!! Meanwhile God routs the enemy, and Judah cleans up the spoils of war.
As I studied this account of one of the five best kings in Judah, the second greatest revival in nation’s history, I was struck most with 2 Chr.20:12 – “O our God, will you not judge them? For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” The king of Judah, the guy who is supposed to be so strong, so wise, always knowing what to do, confesses publickly he (and his nation) is weak and ignorant – and that’s OK. God can still use us to do miraculous things. My limited knowledge, ability, wisdom, courage, strength are OK as long as I’m linked with the One who has all knowledge, ability, wisdom, courage, and strength.
What is major challenge you’re facing that you feel is beyond you? Where is your faith? Let’s make sure we are connected to and dependent upon the One who is able to give us victory no matter what challenges we may face.
Pressing on, by God’s grace, Eric