Worship by the Son

As I continue in my daily devotions, today for one of the readings I was in Exodus 4. In reading DA Carson’s devotional thoughts that go along with the Bible reading, he drew out the following passage. Exodus 4:22-23 – “Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the Lord says: Israel is my firstborn son, and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me.” But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son.’” God is preparing Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt. Not only does God know Pharaoh will be resistant, he MAKES him that way! (cf.4:21 et al) God wants worship from Israel, which he describes as his firstborn son. In a dramatic display that draws the attention from all the nations, God does deliver his “son” (Israel) from Pharaoh and Egypt, at the expense of Egypts firstborn sons. God’s power and care for his people are evident to the nations.

This theme of God’s care for his “son” traces throughout the Scriptures. We see how God treats David like a son, a man after his own heart. God reveals his own Son, Jesus Christ, and we see the deep love the Father has for His Son, the true Israel and Messiah King. Now, in Christ, we are all “sons of God,” children of the promise (John 1:12). God’s faithful care for his sons continues, and we can still hear his call to come away and worship him. May nothing stand in our way of we sons worshiping our Father, for God will remove any obstacles to true worship of Him by the nations.

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