Praise God for a productive trip

Jam packed full of preaching, trainings, meetings, tying up loose ends, and spending time with beloved pastors and team mates, I’ve just returned from a whirlwind trip to Dar. Here are some of the highlights:

Departure hassles: Two flights cancelled, it took me three days to reach Dar. I ended up being rerouted on Turkish Airlines through Istanbul, arrived at 4AM, and after 1.5 hrs sleep, turned around and headed to church in Buguruni and preached at Pastor George’s church.

Preaching in Bugaruni a few hours after arriving in Dar 

Team meetings Sunday through Tuesday were both strategic and encouraging. What a great time of connecting with team mates, and planning for future ministry in Dar to maximize our effectiveness. It was a joy to get extra time with Tony and Holly Freitas, who housed me. While there, I watched our dog Oreo (whom they are “dog-sitting”) wrestle and play with their pet monkey.


A group of nine pastors arrived from various parts of Tanzania to participate in a training as I took them through several key leadership concepts from John 17 and Luke 10. Worship was sweet, prayer was powerful and the fellowship was priceless. God is truly moving in these pastors lives through the trainings we are conducting.


I also spent my Sunday (23rd) in Gongola’mboto with Pastor Greyson’s church, preaching and worshipping.

some of the kids at Pastor Greyson’s church

In between meetings and trainings, I tied up several loose ends due to our delayed return to Dar. We were able to move our furniture to the home of a fellow missionary who had no furniture, so everyone was blessed. While there was not much downtime, it was an extremely productive and encouraging trip as again God confirmed in my heart that he has shaped me to serve in this ministry.

We were also truly blessed by the many helping hands that pitched in and took care of Holly and the kids while I was away. The body of Christ was in fine form, and we are truly grateful.

Future trainings and trips will be coming up soon, so we encourage you to stay connected. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric 

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