Trip to East Africa – Schedule full of preaching and trainings

Greetings, friends, and Happy Thanksgiving to you.

Tomorrow morning, Fri Nov.23 I leave at 5:30AM to head to East Africa (Uganda and Tanzania) for a 3.5 week schedule jam packed with trainings of pastors, preaching in churches and encouraging our brothers in the Lord.


While I am excited about all God has for me and my friend Steve Reid who will be joining me, I will miss the family and pray God’s care and protection for them. Please join me in this prayer. If you are interested in tracking what I will be doing, you can track below:

  • Fri Nov.23 – To Uganda through LAX and Istanbul.
  • Mon-Fri Nov.26-30 – Training of Uganda leaders. Then to Dar es Salaam, TZ.
  • Sun Dec.2 – Preach in Madale, TZ and training of leaders.
  • Mon-Thurs Dec.3-6 – Training of Tanzanian pastors in Dar es Salaam.
  • Thurs-Sat. Dec.6-8 – Training of leaders in Mlandizi, TZ with Michael Titus.
  • Sun Dec.9 – Preaching at Chiwalo church, Dar, training of leaders.
  • Wed.-Sat. Dec.12-15 – To Gulu, Uganda in north to train leaders, then perform wedding of African denominational leader Paul Ochaya.
  • Sun. Dec.16 – Journey home, overnight in Istanbul, then LAX and Sac and back home on Dec.17.

Whew, we are counting on your prayers, and looking forward to what God will do with this time.

Pressing on by His grace, Eric


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