The Kingdom Grows!

Steve and I are over halfway through our time here in Africa, and it has been packed full of trainings of pastors and preaching. It has been joyful, rewarding, exhausting, exhilarating, challenging and blessed by God.

Training pastors in Iganga, Uganda

In the midst of it all, God has surprised us with some unexpected eternally-significant blessings as we’ve witnessed His kingdom growing, all praise to our awesome God!! By God’s grace, He has done a supernatural work in drawing three more into the Kingdom, adopting them into His family and making them daughters of the King. Here’s the brief story.

On Friday, December 7, Steve and I were heading to another training of leaders in Mlandizi, Tanzania. We stopped at a game park and were going to take a drive through to look at some of the cool animals (of which there were many!) We hired a lady (Rosemary) to be our driver and use her Landcruiser through the park. While looking at animals she began asking many spiritual questions when she found out we were missionaries and I was a pastor. At a certain point Steve nudged me, and I began to probe into her own spiritual condition. It became very clear that she did not know Jesus Christ and was not saved. As I listened, I prayed and shared with her God’s plan for salvation through Christ as recorded in the Bible. She eagerly absorbed everything I shared. When I asked her if she wanted to pray right now and place her faith in Christ, she said she had never done that before, but that she very much wanted to. We stopped the car and there, in the middle of Mikumi Game Park, she prayed to receive Christ (Jn.1:12). We got out of the car and took this picture in celebration of her new life!

Eric, new sister in Christ Rosemary, and Steve

Then, on Sunday (Dec.9), after preaching a sermon in my friend Nathaniel’s church, I asked if anyone wanted to place their faith in Christ for the first time having understood what I had just shared. A 13 year old girl named Jenny came forward and said she wanted to believe in Christ and be saved. Steve and I prayed with her. After we finished, another 13 year old girl named Gloria came forward. She said that she understood what I had shared, and today she wanted to place her faith in Christ also, so we joyfully prayed with her. What a glorious, God-anointed day!

Eric with Gloria in front, and Steve with Jenny in front

So again, all praise to God. We are wrapping up our time here in Tanzania, and will be heading back to Uganda soon to do some more training of pastors and then I’ll be conducting a wedding of a denominational leader in northern Uganda. Thank you for your continued prayers. Pressing on, Eric

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