The Inner Circle

Last night I was talking with my dear friend, Pastor Enock, from Shinyanga, Tanzania. We were discussing his vision to train 100 pastors directly, and through them to train 2000 pastors throughout the entire region. This is a great vision, and he has the energy and passion to do it, and now he is receiving the material he will use to do the trainings as I continue to train him. However, how will he invest deeply in 100 pastors? He’s so far trained about 60 in four groups of 15, but there are just too many for him to follow up closely with.

So he has selected four special pastors that he has invited into his “inner circle.” These four men have demonstrated godly character, proven faithfulness, are hungry for ongoing training, and are dear to Enock’s heart. He is going to draw nearer to these four, inviting them to help him train, coaching them to sharpen their skills, and investing into them with high expectations. Jesus certainly modeled this as he had his 12 closer disciples (beyond the larger group of disciples that followed him around), and within that group he had his three closest – Peter, James and John.

This is a great model for us as well. In thinking strategically about how to best invest my time and energy, I must be selective in who I pour myself into. Having an “inner circle” will help me to go deep with a few while still reaching out to larger groups, but to a lesser degree. I can have higher expectations, more accountability, mentor them more closely, let them deeper into my life, and watch more closely how God is working in their life. 


By God’s grace, I have a few people that are my “inner circle,” and in truth at this point in my life, my wife and children are very much a part of that group. I need to remember the awesome discipleship potential God has made in the family relationship. Sitting with my kids on a weekly basis for an extended time of listening to their joys and struggles and praying for them, this is invaluable discipleship. “Daddy dates,” family devotions, going to the “Feeding the Homeless” event downtown together on Easter, praying with each other, etc. – all are investments that I pray God will use to mold and shape them.

I hope you have an “inner circle” of a small group into whom you are deeply investing your life. Whether family, colleagues, friends, whoever – pray, and then select those you believe God is leading you to. Then start pouring through listening, loving, praying together, playing together, and watch what God does, through you in their life and through them in your life. It is a glorious, thrilling adventure of eternal significance!

Pressing on, Eric

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