Wildlife in India is not very wild

In streets of Ahmedabad, India

Is this for real??? Yep, these are pix I took on the way home driving through the city after our day of training today.


I’m in the midst of a training of pastors here in Ahmedabad, central India, and all is going well. As we drive through the streets of this city of 5.5 million people, there are some wild sights we see. Animals are all over in the streets, but they all seem very docile and undisturbed by the constant honking. 

Cruising down the parkway on your pachyderm

In the Hindu religion, and thus in public life, to hurt an animal is a major offense. So to hit a cow as it walks down the road is actually more of a public outrage than to hit a person.

Bejajis (three wheeled motorized cycles) and cows are common

We are proceeding well through our training in Psalms with a group of 16 pastor-trainers who will then take this training to many other pastors. The days are very warm, and worshiping and studying the Word with these pastors is a complete delight. Today the last lesson I taught them late in the afternoon was from Romans 6:12-23 on sanctification. After the training, several of them men came up to me and shared how much they needed to hear that message, and how encouraged they were in their walk with Christ. God is clearly at work, and I’m grateful to be a part of it.

Pressing on by His grace, Eric

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