Training in Uganda

Greetings, friends.

Training on Genesis

I am writing from Kampala, Uganda, having just tonight completed our third workshop with a group of 18 pastors from various regions of Uganda. The workshop has had some very encouraging elements, and also some real challenges. In all, we have absolutely seen the hand of God carrying the training along. It has been a joy to have these leaders continue to grow with each new workshop we give to them as the develop their skills in handling God’s Word well.

Preaching under the Ugandan trees 2

Preaching under the Ugandan trees

For part of the workshop, all the rooms were full, so we conducted our training outside. Thankfully, God kept the significant rainstorms we’ve been having away from us while we were outside.

Nearby slums

Just across the small valley is a slum area where the government was trying to evict people so they could do more building. So we regularly heard gunshots going off as people were being run out of their homes.

Trainees in Kampala, Uganda

The leaders committed to continue to take this training to other pastors in their various communities. The training is multiplying, and pastors with no formal training are growing in their ability to preach the Word well. It is such a joy to work with this dear group who are so very grateful for our assistance and commitment to them.

On Saturday, I fly to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania to conduct a workshop for pastors from all over that country. It has been a long time I’ve been away from the family, and I am very eager to be back with them, but God is sustaining us and we are thankful to be serving Him in this way. Pressing on by God’s grace, Eric

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