Global Equipping Team Meetings in Florida

I have the enormous pleasure and privilege of working with an extraordinary group of people called the Global Equipping Team. This group is made up of six subteams, including our Pastor Training Team, and also teams focusing on church planting, church health, orality, leadership development and holistic ministries. The members of the team have much wisdom and maturity, with the average age being about 58 years old. They have been pastors and missionaries for many years, and have learned how to work strategically in growing God’s kingdom and making disciples of all nations. The members live in all different parts of the country, and we talk together on skype once a month to share and pray together, and then have an annual meeting for strategic planning.

Dinner with Global Equipping Team at Catfish Dewey’s

This past week, I spent four packed days with the team in Florida, and we engaged in “robust” discussion evaluating how we are doing as a team in many areas, and where we can grow and improve. We prayed, studied the Word and worshipped together, and encouraged one another in the work we are doing. I am so blessed to be a part of this team, and am learning a great deal from them. I was asked to give presentations on Dropbox (file sharing program) and Yammer (in house social networking tool for collaboration), and also teach a devotional one day and walk through a document on financial guidelines with national workers. We spent time learning how to better “coach” our colleagues who live overseas and those who live stateside.

“GET” Meetings

The highlight of the time was the last day when our Pastor Training Team gathered together and turned the pages of Scripture in developing our final workshop in our series of nine “Pathway” trainings. It was so very much fun to consider Biblical Theology and the Gospel Story from Genesis through Revelation, including key passages, themes and stories which will be highlighted in our final course.

Clearly God is working in this team, and in all parts of the world through the members of this team. I am excited to see what the future holds as we “serve alongside ReachGlobal Divisions and national partners as catalysts to assist in the development of Gospel movements, doing this by equipping, coaching, facilitating, modeling, networking, etc.” Pressing on, Eric

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