Pastor Training Networks

efca_reachglobal_redgo.jpg   I thought it appropriate to take a blog to briefly describe the work we do as missionaries in ReachGlobal (EFCA Missions).

Global Equipping Team: Obviously there are many aspects and variations to our work in the larger ReachGlobal Global Equipping Team dependent upon the context, needs of the group, etc., but the bottom line of what we do is: We serve alongside ReachGlobal leaders and national partners as catalysts to assist in the development of gospel movements. We do this by equipping, coaching, facilitating, modeling, net working, etc. Our vision as a team is: To equip reproducing leaders globally for kingdom transformation and expansion. 

Teaching on Philippians, Pastor Esron translating

Pastor Training Team: Within the Global Equipping Team, there are several subteams which focus in different areas, such as church planting, church health, evangelism training, community development, leadership development, etc. One of those areas is pastor training, specifically focusing on developing, empowering and releasing trainers of pastors primarily internationally but also stateside, so that pastors globally are able to study God’s Word, obey God’s Word and teach God’s Word well. We do this by training national pastors who then train other pastors in their communities (2 Tim.2:2). We train US pastors to assist us in this work. The thrust of our nine-part, three-year training curriculum is to train pastors how to use and preach the Word of God expositorily (verse by verse), which will guide them in all aspects of their life and ministry. We currently have training networks in Africa, India, SE Asia and Central/South America.


My role in our four-member Pastor Training Team is to train national pastors primarily in East and Central Africa, and to train US pastors in the Western United States toward becoming global trainers.

Training pastors

If you have any questions about our work, or are interested in getting involved, please do not hesitate to write to me at: If you would like to support our work, please click the tab to the right that says “Partnership – Giving Info.”

Pressing on in serving our Lord, Eric

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