Exodus 34 – The Fundamental Problem of the Universe

How can a righteous God pass over sins? A just, holy God MUST punish sins. If God sweeps sin away (Rom.3:24-25), or shows mercy instead of justice, he is no longer righteous. How do you square a completely merciful and a completely just God? This is the ultimate question, and one which has eternal implications for all humans, since all of us sin. 

Imagine if the president of your country was attacked by savage terrorists, yet he narrowly escapes and terrorists are captured and brought to trial. They are standing guilty before the judge, they apologize and he tells them they are free to go with no penalty. Crazy! This communicates that the president has very little value. Sin and evil must be punished. This is also true with God, for every sin we do is an offense against His holy nature. “Hell is place where degree of suffering corresponds to value of God’s glory which our sins have despised.” –Piper.

In Exodus 32-34, we witness the character of God in action. He is just and righteous, but also merciful and compassionate. God reveals His goodness to Moses as He passes before him and proclaims, “The Lord, the Lord God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who forgives iniquity, transgression and sin; yet He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting the iniquity of fathers on the children and on the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations.”

This is one of the longest descriptions of the character of God in Scripture. Here, God emphasizes His compassion and grace, but this is balanced with His justice. He does punish sin, for all those who refuse His grace (cf. Ex.20:5).

So how does this work? How does God’s compassion and grace combine with His justice and righteousness for those deserving death? Either punishment is exacted or there is some other way for justice to be meted out.

Ultimately, the problem of God’s mercy and justice is answered at the cross. God’s glory, His righteousness and grace, were shown most fully in Christ (John 17:1-5). John 1:14 – Jesus was full of grace and truth as the manifest glory of God. Rom.3:21-26 states clearly that there is a righteousness from God that is satisfied in Christ, and imputed to those who have faith in Him. This is how God could “pass over sins previously committed.” (Rom.3:25) Jesus is punished for our sins because He is our representative (true man). We receive Jesus’ righteousness through our union with Him in faith (Gal.2:20) (true God). God is right and just in saying believers are right before him because of work of Christ.

So what impact does this have on you? Instead of standing before a righteous Judge and receiving the just penalty for your sins, if you believe in Christ and follow Him, that penalty was nailed to the cross in the person of Christ. Now, you can know you are forgiven and cleansed, receiving God’s grace, compassion and forgiveness. There is life because of Christ. I hope and pray you have made that daily commitment to walk with Christ. It makes all the difference for your eternity.

Pressing on because of God’s grace, Eric



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