All posts by Eric

Triathlon Tri-umph!

Last Saturday, July 13, there was a lot of “UMPH” Andrew and his roommate Kyle and I put into our TRI-athlon. Swim for nearly a mile, bike for 26 miles, run for 6.2 miles. This is the third triathlon Andrew and I have done together.

Just after Andrew crossed the finish line.

Why do we do this? Admittedly the question flashed through our minds numerous times on the race.

  1. Father – Son bonding time. Training and prep beforehand and then the event and processing afterward gives us a connection point.
  2. We both enjoy challenges, and this is a good one. There is variety in a triathlon, and while we are able, we like to push our bodies, have a goal, and get in good shape. Each year Andrew and I try to do something that pushes our bodies to the envelope. He’s already talking about next year climbing Rainier!
  3. The diversity of exercise helps break up the monotony of doing the same routines throughout the year. In the summertime, we are able to swim in a local lake, run without getting rained on, and bike on beautiful rural routes. It’s fun, and something different than the Insanity workout I’ve done a thousand times!

This year, Holly decided to join us and be our cheerleader as we passed through each transition. So fun to have her there! And she caught some good pix.

Finishing the ride, ready for the run.
Andrew and me with our cheerleader Holly
Three triathlon amigos

I don’t know if I’ll do it again, but it has created fun memories for us, and I’m thankful to enjoy the experience with my son.