All posts by Eric

Kentucky then Tanzania – Part 2

Dear ministry partners, as I mentioned in my last post, so much happened on the last trip that I’m making this a two-part review of God’s activity. After leaving Kentucky, Holly and I travelled for a couple days to get to Tanzania. This was Holly’s first time back to the country where we lived 13 years ago, and our departure was a bit abrupt at that time due to her health issues, so I was hoping this trip would offer her good closure and time to process, which indeed happened.

We spent about five days in Dar es Salaam, ministering to a small network of pastors that I have known for more than 15 years. It was a sweet reunion and I was reminded the significance of relationship with others in Christ as the glue that binds us closely with dear brothers and sisters. All four of the brothers have risen to significant positions of leadership in their denominations/ministries, in each case overseeing many other churches and leaders. Here is a picture from many years ago when we lived in Dar and one from our recent trip:

Dear brothers from Dar with whom I worked 15 years ago.
My dear Dar brothers today

We went through a couple days of review of many of the Pathways principles for good Bible study, and we also jumped into a quick overview of the “Whole Story of the Bible” which was added to our curriculum since I offered Pathways to these pastors many years ago. To one extent or another, they are each still using portions of Pathways, but they each expressed how helpful it was to do a thorough review of all principles. There were many “aha” moments as we worked through the material, and each of them committed to pass on to others what they had received. I also preached in Daniel Ikongo’s church in Madale, which was so encouraging to see the growth in his church over many years of his faithful ministry.

Following our time in Dar, Holly and I headed by bus six hours to the north to Muheza to complete the final workshop with our PW network there and offer a joy-filled graduation. I have been working with this network in one form or another for five years, so completing the process was sweet and encouraging and a testimony of God’s faithfulness in the development of these pastors.

Praying together at the conclusion of our Pathways training

They each preached full sermons through sections in the book of Habakkuk after we did a thorough review of all our steps and tools. They shared that they have each not only received every workshop, but they have trained others in each of the workshops, qualifying them as “Pathways master trainers.” In all, not including church members and Bible college students that received training, 313 other ministry leaders have received Pathways training from this network. Each of the 16 participants demonstrated much growth in their Bible handling skills, and although they each have areas to improve (as we all do), I was pleased with their progress.

Here are some of the testimonies various program participants shared:

  • Nuru – “We frequently go to many passages in our preaching. Now I know to go passage by passage and preach the whole message of God with His meaning.”

  • Paul – “The triangle diagram is really helpful for me. Before Pathways, I found it difficult to read the same book again and again. Now I find it helpful to catch the meaning. For example, now I love the book of Habakkuk.”


  • Geofrey – “The Pathways diagram and the training of going verse by verse was so helpful for me. I can teach my audience well this way. My problem was if a portion of Scripture was long, it was difficult for me to understand. Now, by going verse by verse, you know what to preach and your people will understand. This training is useful for me and also helpful for me to teach to others.”


  • Reginald – “People need this training because unsound teaching is common in our area.”


  • Charles – “I was asked by a church member what the Bible is all about. I had no good answer. Now I can give a good definition of the whole story of the Bible. Before Pathways, I didn’t know the tools for Bible study. Now I know and can use them, for example, the preaching tools.”


  • Edward – “This training helped me to see the importance of moving from the original message to the message for today. Before Pathways I only preached the original message. I left my people there. Now I don’t leave my people behind. Now I am equipped to bring them to the message for today.”


  • Jane – “Before this training, many verses in the Bible were confusing. Now through reading and using Pathways tools like looking at the context, I can now catch the meaning.”


  • Daniel – “Before, I read the Bible like a magazine. This training helped me read verse by verse to understand the meaning. I now realize teachings from other teachers were heresy. For example, their teaching on the Law would cause people to fear because there was no grace. Now I know to preach a better way.”

Following the training, we held a graduation service and I challenged the group from Acts 20:19-31 to follow Paul’s example with the Ephesian church as they continue in their service to God and His people through their character, conduct, and commitment to the Word. I concluded with Paul’s words recorded in Acts 20:32, “And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”

Celebrating God’s faithfulness and the hard work of these pastors with graduation

Although I don’t know when I will be back in Tanzania to see my Dar brothers or the Muheza network, I’m thankful for the opportunity to invest in each of these dear ones, and for the ways God used each of them to shape and grow me.