All posts by Eric

Kentucky then Tanzania – Part 1

Dear ministry partners,

Thank you so very much for your prayers and taking the time to follow our journey through this blog. Holly and I just arrived home yesterday afternoon from a long three-week trip where we spent nearly a week in Kentucky and then two weeks in Tanzania. Since the two places are quite different, I’ll share some about Kentucky first, and then in the next posting I’ll bring you up to speed on Tanzania.

Our time away started early when our good friend Keith drove us to the airport at 3:00 am for our early morning flight to Kentucky. Our Pathways colleague Matt and I trained a network of pastors in Louisville through our third Pathways training, focusing on the Whole Story of the Bible.

Training ministry leaders in Louisville

This training was extra fun because our son Adam was able to participate since he had just finished his final assignment of the semester at Southern Seminary.

Doing Whole Story work with Adam – how fun is that!

Following the training, we were able to spend a few days with the family. Adam’s wife Sofia graduated with an MA in missiology from Southern Seminary, and the two are now on a six-week service project in Indonesia. Alyssa is also in Indonesia (a different part), and is helping lead a trip as part of her internship at Boyce College. We helped her prepare for her trip and find a new place off campus where she will live next year as she completes her bachelors degree online through Liberty University.

Sofia, Adam’s wife, graduated from Southern Seminary

On Mothers Day, we went with the kids to church, and then headed straight to the airport to begin our long journey to Tanzania, East Africa. Stay tuned for more on that adventure!