All posts by Eric

Back to Africa with my bride

Dear ministry partners, Holly and I leave at 3AM Monday morning for three weeks of domestic and international ministry, and we would deeply appreciate your prayers as we are away. Here are some of the details for the trip:

Kentucky and Tanzania – May 6-27

Overview: Eric and Holly will be passing through Kentucky, doing a training and meetings, and then continuing on to Tanzania to work with two Pathways networks. This will be Holly’s first time back to Tanzania since we lived there 13 years ago!


  • May 6 – Leave Olympia  and travel to Kentucky.
  • May 7-11 – Training of pastors, meetings with PW leaders, family time. Adam’s wife Sofia graduates from Southern Seminary.
  • May 12-14 – Travel to Dar es Salaam. Prep for training.
  • May 15-19 – Training of Dar pastors, preaching in churches.
  • May 20-26 – Final training and graduation in Muheza, then Zanzibar, then depart Dar.
  • May 27 – Arrive home.

Prayer requests

  1. Praise God that Holly is able to join me for this long three-week trip! Pray God sustains her with energy and health throughout. This will be her first time back to Tanzania since we lived there 13 years ago.
  2. Pray for Matt, my training partner in Louisville, and the network of pastors and ministry leaders. Also pray that the pastors in Dar will be able to gather, and that the refresher training will be a blessing to them, the first time we’ve all been together in about 10 years. Both these groups of pastors will receive the “Whole Story of the Bible” workshop.
  3. Pray for Pastor James Andrew, coordinator for Muheza. Pray all the final workshop and graduation details will come together. Pastors will preach full messages through book of Habakkuk.
  4. Pray that both these Tanzania networks will continue practicing Pathways principles and passing training on to many others in their regions.