All posts by Eric

Traversing Transitions – Joshua 1 sermon

Dear friends, I recently preached a message at our home church from Joshua 1:1-9 entitled “Traversing Transitions through Turbulent Times.” Israel was at a point of transition, moving from the wilderness into the Promised Land, from Moses as their leader to Joshua as their leader. With the New Year, we are at a point of transition as well, uncertain of what the future holds. Change can be scary for many, and God’s words to Joshua in this passage include three commands and four promises that can also serve to encourage and inspire us on through the challenges and changes we face.

I invite you to watch the video sermon below, with your Bible open, and allow the Holy Spirit to challenge and encourage you.

Here is my outline: Main Point – Be strong and courageous, obeying God’s Word and trusting in God’s promises.

1. Three commands from God: 

  • Arise and go. (2)
  • Be strong and courageous. (6,7,9)
  • Speak, think, and do the Word. (7,8)

2. Four promises from God: 

  • Abundant provision (2,3,4,6)
  • Prevailing protection (5a)
  • Abiding presence (5b,9)
  • Pervasive success (7,8)